Hangin' out.
Nothin like hangin' out with your friends, lettin' loose all you problems and just not worry. If it is just playing basketball, football or having a a laugh over few beers... hangin' out with you friends is the best way to spend your time.
Like the Beatles sing; hm I'll get by with a little help from my friends....
You all know who you are! Aint got nothin but loove for you all!!
Hang loose!
Empty Pockets indeed:P
The craic was gid!
Good old times at Highstreet, Edinburgh.
Highstreet hostel
Sofie rockin her guitar, little pink lady. Sofieis the coolest person you could ever hope to meet, in pink!
Tree, my good friend from beyond the pond, good times shared babe! And more to come soon hopefully!!
Lillian Harris! A great violin player who would sit in the old raggedy stairs and play, I'll never forget!
Justin the Kiwi! Good times spent in the park playin rugby and football, a great guy!
Jade and Chris in the boiler room just jammin!
Quick scetches done by me in my little black book
Confucius say
Confucius say: Man who go to bed with itchy ass, wake up with smelle finger.
Confucius say: War not determine who right, war determine who left. - thats a clever one!
Confuscius say: Cow with no legs, ground beef.
Confuciuce say: Man who fart in church, sit in own pew. - that ones for you mama;)
Confucius say: Man who leap off cliff jump to conclusion.
Confucius say: Man with hand in pocket, feel cocky all day long.
Confucius say: Man who sleep in bed of nails is holy.
Very cute!
Fortaleza, Brazil 2007
c'est la vie
It's confusing and bitter sweet. But who could live without it? Dude...thats deep..
Womble-bee philosophy
La vida
una flower para otra flower......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cynthia Massiel amador king sing
martes,17 junio 2008. en un ciber cafe nicaraguense,-
Jag kunde inte fatta min lycka när jag hittade en biljett. Jag häpnade när jag dubbelklickade på yess och betalade min biljett!! Vad väntar på mig på andra sidan sjön??
Oki jag kanske ska skriva hur jag tänker mig att det är
Hmm, när jag tänker Nicaragua så tänker jag helt enkelt varmt och soligt och alla dansar Salsa och Batchata. Jag hoppas det iallafall:P
Sitter och lyssnar på Aventura och bara läängtar! Ska se om jag kan hitta lite voluntär jobb, kanske engelsk lärare eller bildlärare?
Waahh hur ska det gå med spanskan?
-Hola! mucho gusto! como estas? Donde estas.....el biblioteka por favor? Vamos a la playa!!!
Kropps språket hjälper mycket hehe så får man kanske hitta på ord..lägga till lite El this and El that...
haha men tanken över hur det ska gå på dansgolvet hmm alla dessa vilda latinare..och jag El gringa...
-Ohhh och alla latinoooss:P ey Papi hihi
Waazz uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup??
Cool bild från STA Travel tidning hihi
Musik stämning
E ai Beleeezaa!
Drawn by Gleyson my surfbuddie:)- Fortaleza, Brazil - 2007
Rock star
Jimi Hendrix again:P
Womble-bee philosophy - To be taken lightly
Life is a waste of time,
Time is a waste of life,
get wasted all the time,
and have the time of your life!
by unknown poet, read by Billy Connelly
Eric Clapton
Eric clapton - 2004
Ohhh one saucy man I must say!